Friday, September 9, 2011


 Blah!! no matter how many times I try papaya I dislike it.  Every morning for breakfast I have two pieces of bread. one piece with cheese on it and the other I put either jelly or peanut butter, sometimes I have a bowl of cereal with it, orange juice, and a plate of fruit.  The fruit differs but so far I have bananas, pineapple, cantaloupe, strawberries, and papaya.  Every day there is papaya and every day I think today is the day that I will like the papaya and every day I taste it and say ohh nope today is not that day haha. I think if I eat it enough I will get used to it but so far that is definitely NOT case.  So usually I eat a piece of papaya and then eat a piece of pineapple right after it or drink my orange juice.  I am not sure if I will ever like papaya but I will definitely keep tasting it just in case I do.

Today we leave for Tamarindo!! I need to pack still, but I still have like two hours.  So I will be good.
This morning has been nice and relaxing. I got to sleep in a little bit and then spent about an hour and a half cross stitching.  Now I am going to do a little bit of reading and packing and then off to the beach! Have a great weekend all.

and a little side note from later. I love my mama tica. She fed me lunch.  She is only supposed to feed me breakfast and dinner but she feeds me lunch sometimes. She is the best!!

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