Thursday, October 13, 2011


 Just chilling at the beach after a good swim

 beauty of Costa Rica

 The beach at Puntarenas

 I love the palm trees

 Cute little tree

Chilling at the bus station

    LIFE IS GOOD!!!!  I have had a great great week and I can't believe it's like over basically (all I have to do is go to my two classes tonight and then it is the weekend for me!)  Well this past week has been busy, but good.  On Friday last week we all came over to my house and made Navajo Tacos and man were they delicious! My tica mama even liked them a lot.  Then we just chilled and talked. Sometimes it is so nice just to sit around and talk and enjoy each others company.  The next day on Saturday we all go up and headed to the beach at Puntarenas.   I didn't want to just sit around and do nothing in San Jose so I planned a nice little day trip to the beach and man was it worth it. When people think of where I'm at in Costa Rica I think they think I'm like living on the beach or really close to the beach in like paradise, but that is not the case ha. I'm in a big city and don't really see a lot of the nature of Costa Rica here. I can see the beautiful mountains in the distance and that is always a nice view, but no in San Jose where I live it is a good 1 1/2 hour to the beach. So that is a little bit different than what I pictured when I got here, but that's okay it's still easy to get to a beach.  So anyways we took a taxi to the bus station and then got on a bus for a 2 hour ride to the beach.  It was a lot of fun.  The ocean water here is so nice. It's never cold and doesn't take time to get used to. It's like perfect temperature, not too cold not too warm.  While we were in Puntarenas I also bought a super cute skirt that I love love love. I have a cute picture of me in it I'll have to get from one of my friends.
   So on Sunday just went to church and for the first time in a good while I bore my testimony is sacrament. It was a very nice and spiritual experience.  I'm so grateful for how much I have learned here about myself, about others, and just how much my testimony has grown. Well later that night we went to Jessica's tica mom's restaurant for dessert because her mom works at a Asian restaurant and man was it tasty. I want to go back there so that I can eat some good Thai food. 
   Well now this week has just flown by. I can't believe it. It's already Thursday. Things went well. I got a 91 on my spanish test! and a 85 on a quiz that I couldn't study for because I didn't get the power points from my teacher and I just decided wing it. So that was good. And tomorrow I'm going to Boca de Toro is Panama. It's an island and it's supposed to be beautiful! We're going 1. because it looks amazing 2. because it's a long weekend and 3. because we need to the leave the country for our passports.
Today I went to Pequeno Mundo which is like a Costco sort of place, but not as good as Costco. Well I needed to get a few things for this weekend, but no one could go with me because they had class and then I have class from 3-7 so I went by myself. Well you see I wasn't totally sure exactly where I was going so kind of just left and hoped. After a little bit I got a little freaked out because the roads here are crazy and I really didn't want to get lost and be alone.  So I said a little prayer just asking Heavenly Father for clarity of mind and just guidance to the store without any danger. It was just amazing I just had good feelings about different ways to go and found it without a problem and without any danger. I could just feel his love for me as he guided and helped me reach it safely.  I was very blessed. Prayer works and he will answer our prayers! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I love you guys! I'll let you know how my weekend goes:) I'm super excited. But now I must head to my last two classes. 

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